Energy data
Delivering credible longitudinal energy and emissions data to support environment and energy policies
In 2018–19 PEAN improved the National Greenhouse and Energy Reporting (NGER) data. This is a set of facility-level energy and emissions data for businesses that exceed legislated thresholds. The Clean Energy Regulator manages the data set. Prior to this project it was difficult to match facilities through time within the data set. This limited the effectiveness of an earlier project on industrial natural gas use in response to natural gas price spikes. The value of the energy data project was demonstrated by an investigation of trends in energy use and emissions by east coast manufacturers. The case study (below) shows simple examples of trend charts that were generated to test the data. The project is also a catalyst for linking NGER data to the Business Longitudinal Analysis Data Environment (BLADE). The linkage will facilitate analysis of firm level energy and emissions in concert with other firm level data such as employment and turnover.
The project was implemented for PEAN by the Clean Energy Regulator and the Department of Agriculture, Water and the Environment.