Agricultural data integration
Effects of drought on Australian farms
In 2019–20 PEAN showed it is possible to use government data to explore the links between climate and farm business outcomes. We developed a Farm-level Longitudinal Agricultural Dataset (FLAD) using information from government agricultural surveys over the period 2000–01 to 2017–18. We integrated the FLAD with the Business Longitudinal Analysis Data Environment (BLADE) to generate a database of farm business information for the period 2005–06 to 2016–17. The database has many potential applications, such as evaluating government programs and developing drought insurance.
We were able to develop new statistical models by combining the data with other information. We showed the models can predict farm production given information on climate conditions, commodity prices and farm characteristics. More details, including case studies and methods, are available from the ABARES project web page.
The project lead for PEAN was ABARES, with support from the Australian Bureau of Statistics.